– Filter and Form –

Salih Mirzabeyoglu

First Edition 1986




1 –       What and How

2 –       Faith and thought

3 –       Logic and truth

4 –       The known and the conscious

5 –       Why and cause

6 –       Reason and anxiety

7 –       Metaphysic need and suspicion

8 –       Knowing – being able to do

9 –       Form and element

10 –     Lecture of metaphysics in philosophy

11 –     For being able to change the feeling

12 –     Being able to read the heart

13 –     Human – flageolet

14 –     Tafsir crime

15 –     Feeling and thought

16 –     Necessity of the Whole Thought

17 –     True and beautiful

18 –     Socrates and Plato – relation

19 –     Language and universe

20 –     Individual and experience

21 –     Consciousness of thinker

22 –     Two-faced logic

23 –     Human systems and false order – the fault of order

24 –     Unity of the opposites

25 –     Fault of beginning

26 –     Reason and belief of immortality

27 –     Thinker and thought

28 –     False criterion

29 –     Genuine learning

30 –     Good person – seeking the beautiful

31 –     Knowledge and decision

32 –     Knowledge and conjecture

33 –     Not knowing the opposites

34 –     Living the matter

35 –     Sake of the truth

36 –     Progress of knowledge – directed understanding

37 –     Truth and conjecture – Absolute truth

38 –     Comprehending – distance adjustment

39 –     Truth and knowledge

40 –     Faith and category

41 –     Effecter and opportunity

42 –     Thought and worry

43 –     Reason and comprehension

44 –     Choosing and devoting

45 –     Understanding and friendship

46 –     Human and aim

47 –     Thinker and crowd

48 –     Spirit and knowledge

49 –     Value and sensitiveness

50 –     Senses – form – perception

51 –     Whole and part, seeing

52 –     Knowledge, knowledge of not knowing

53 –     Recognizing the difference between material things by senses

54 –     Eye – Color – Things

55 –     Knowledge – good, true, beautiful

56 –     Experience and judgment

57 –     Senses and reason – judgment and knowledge

58 –     Intuition and experiment – time and space

59 –     Perception of mystery

60 –     Intentness of the conscious – conscious and that is surrounding

61 –     Moral necessity

62 –     Attribute and value

63 –     Conscious aim – instinct

64 –     Norms of logic

65 –     Mistake in the relationship between cause and result

66 –     Necessity of human to recognize interior and exterior

67 –     Genius

68 –     Knowing that knowing nothing

69 –     Speaking and reason

70 –     Knowing what is sought

71 –     Knowing the subject – knowing the position

72 –     Thinking and learning

73 –     Intelligence and value

74 –     Writer to read – friend

75 –     Suitor of the truth

76 –     Goodness

77 –     Doing the undone

78 –     Understanding and explaining

79 –     Propriety

80 –     Enlightened person – interest of thought

81 –     Aim of reading – making choose

82 –     Thought theft – compilation theft

83 –     Thinking – meaning of living

84 –     Conference and writing

85 –     Right of genius

86 –     Logic and madness

87 –     What the senses taught

88 –     Being able to look with the heart

89 –     Secrecy share of happening

90 –     World of meaning and physical world

91 –     Mystery of object

92 –     Criterion of eye and knowledge

93 –     Unconscious knowledge

94 –     Claim and proof

95 –     Thought and action

96 –     Eyes and feeling

97 –     Being able to turn it into positive

98 –     Specialty of inspection

99 –     Genuine knowledge

100 –   Logic and truth

101 –   Intelligence and not having a goal

102 –   Reasoning and feeling

103 –   Reason and love

104 –   Being involved with wisdom – trying to die

105 –   Everything stands with its opposite

106 –   Reason and probability

107 –   Pre-judgment

108 –   Pleasure of not coming in handy (!)

109 –   I’m thinking, therefore I exist

110 –   Evidence

111 –   Border of sleep and wakefulness

112 –   Being able to take place of the old thought

113 –   Before and after

114 –   Imitation and reality

115 –   Writing history

116 –   Idée fixe and mystery

117 –   Where is the self?

118 –   Goal of the thought system

119 –   Complexity of sociology

120 –   Civilization – science – maturity

121 –   Difficulty of understanding modern physics, its reason

122 –   Intelligence and ability of abstraction

123 –   Sign of superior mind

124 –   Truth and reaching

125 –   Experience and result

126 –   Power of intuition

127 –   Feeling and intelligence

128 –   Easy and hard

129 –   Killing the thought

130 –   Mystery of the universe

131 –   Cause and fact

132 –   Science and value

133 –   Seeing and mind

134 –   Being self and sharing

135 –   Love and thought

136 –   Question and solution

137 –   Necessity of method

138 –   Power of the known

139 –   Perception of mystery

140 –   Saving the known from being unknown

141 –   Pleasure of unknown

142 –   Role of rule

143 –   Thought of child

144 –   Conformism

145 –   Paradoxical truth

146 –   Pencil and writing – Oath of Allah

147 –   Indignation and effecter

148 –   Spiritual look

149 –   Admiration – amazement

150 –   Thought and aim

151 –   Aim and power

152 –   Desire and fear

153 –   Becoming and to appearing

154 –   Knowledge and known

155 –   Knowledge and suspicion

156 –   Thought and imagination

157 –   Deliverance

158 –   Silent Speaking

159 –   From eyes to heart

160 –   Whole and part – Necessity of the whole thought

161 –   Reason, checking the power

162 –   Reason and intuition

163 –   Mysticism

164 –   Mystical excitement and knowledge

165 –   System, model

166 –   Thought and human – human and social being

167 –   Science and life

168 –   Inability of materialism in explaining evolution theory

169 –   Socrates

170 –   From the defense of Socrates

171 –   Relation of Plato to Socrates

172 –   Believed thing and sincerity – our state

173 –   Striving and method

174 –   Relationship between subject and object – New physics

175 –   Logic and contents

176 –   Logic and being

177 –   Category

178 –   Instilling – Informing – Language

179 –   Reader and book

180 –   Scholarship and reasonableness

181 –   Truth of knowing

182 –   Mistake in the mystical view

183 –   Realizing the idea of good

184 –   Role of concept

185 –   Suffering of the thinker

186 –   Mistake of normative consciousness

187 –   Wisdom of balance

188 –   Observer’s spiritual state while observing

189 –   Learning – being able to found a relationship

190 –   Thought model and practice

191 –   Uprightness

192 –   Reading and conversation

193 –   Good book

194 –   Reading and analysis

195 –   Ability and genius

196 –   Genius and affection

197 –   Enmity of unaware

198 –   Book, for whom?

199 –   Work and harvest

200 –   Origin of the ideas

201 –   Knowing self

202 –   Faith, the consciousness of miracle

203 –   Excitement and ibda

204 –   Ibda and excitement

205 –   Criticism, perception and its beginning

206 –   Criticism of nafs

207 –   Thought and suffering

208 –   Effect and cause

209 –   Two methods in science

210 –   Reflecting the truth

211 –   Separation of useful and useless

212 –   Essence and seeming

213 –   Distinguishing mind

214 –   Composition mistake

215 –   Knowing that knowing nothing

216 –   Details

217 –   Description and obtaining information

218 –   Limit in science

219 –   Not having a desire to appear

220 –   Not having a desire to be liked

221 –   Seeking what is found

222 –   Light in self


1 –       Existence and suffering

2 –       Anguish and fear

3 –       Truth of existence – individual

4 –       Being is a mystery

5 –       Existence and thought

6 –       Pleasure of mystery

7 –       Death according to the reason

8 –       Human – living being – matter

9 –       Matter and motion

10 –     Origin of knowledge

11 –     Genuine affection

12 –     Freedom and value

13 –     Agreement of souls

14 –     Criticism of nafs

15 –     Self and body

16 –     Love is life

17 –     Understanding and love

18 –     Absolute being and being

19 –     On eternity

20 –     Becoming absent

21 –     Love and truth

22 –     Good person – bad person

23 –     Know thyself

24 –     Goodness – badness

25 –     Being and relation

26 –     Expanding universe

27 –     Will and the world

28 –     Will and unknown

29 –     Form and boundary

30 –     Being and change

31 –     Cause and goal

32 –     Human and interest

33 –     Science and belief

34 –     Matter and space

35 –     Beginning of the universe

36 –     Appearing of uranium

37 –     Relativity of distance

38 –     Life and effort

39 –     Level of reality

40 –     Reason of perception of eternity

41 –     Shadow world

42 –     Eye and truth

43 –     Aim of the human

44 –     Truth and imagination

45 –     Aim of the creation of human being

46 –     Love and excitement

47 –     Sadness and happiness

48 –     Truth of friendship

49 –     Love and time

50 –     Being and possibility

51 –     Perception of death

52 –     Gentleness of heart

53 –     Shadow being

54 –     Explaining the existence

55 –     Holistic and partial look

56 –     Our knowledge about the matter

57 –     Suspicion and being

58 –     Evident truth

59 –     Absolute being – relative being

60 –     Knowing self and the other

61 –     Imagination and absence

62 –     Becoming absent and changing

63 –     Reason and possible

64 –     Effort and object

65 –     Quality and qualification

66 –     Intensity and period of quality

67 –     Relation of human to animal

68 –     Levels of being and human

69 –     Thought – life – death

70 –     Thought and being

71 –     Self and being informed

72 –     Catching being of thought

73 –     Relationship between subject and predicate

74 –     Exclusion principle – existing with another

75 –     Dialectical formation

76 –     Unity of the opposites, their separateness

77 –     Taking the essence out from relationships

78 –     Being and boundary

79 –     Boundary and principle

80 –     Actuality

81 –     Actuality and shape

82 –     What is memory?

83 –     Genuine science love

84 –     Truth of surroundings

85 –     Human in the opposite poles

86 –     Renewing the perception of human

87 –     Difference between animal and human

88 –     Nafs of animal – the soul of human

89 –     Two kinds of excitement, feeling, sensitiveness

90 –     For what the being exists?

91 –     Role of woman

92 –     Worry and human

93 –     Self and the other – self and surroundings

94 –     Originality and personality

95 –     Proving Allah

96 –     Faithlessness and stupidity

97 –     Idea of completeness – complete being



1 –       Miracle of time

2 –       Time and during

3 –       Freedom and personality

4 –       Self and freedom

5 –       Truth and effort

6 –       Two freedoms

7 –       Conquering oneself

8 –       How a freedom

9 –       Genuine hero

10 –     Gaining the freedom

11 –     Governing oneself

12 –     Time and opportunity

13 –     Religion and life

14 –     Two tendencies

15 –     Human and action

16 –     Time and nothingness

17 –     Judging oneself

18 –     Memory

19 –     Desiring too much

20 –     Expectation from the society

21 –     Richness of heart

22 –     Looking at wish

23 –     Nafs and freedom

24 –     Genuine knowledge

25 –     Origin of virtue

26 –     Freedom and spirit

27 –     What is the time?

28 –     Memory

29 –     Reason for unluckiness

30 –     Relationship in terms of psychology and sociology

31 –     Value of thought

32 –     Recognizing people

33 –     Pleasure of order

34 –     Gaiety and suffering

35 –     Faith and will

36 –     Source of the happiness

37 –     Youth – Thought

38 –     Spiritualism

39 –     Happiness

40 –     Love

41 –     Love and obstacle

42 –     Will and instinct

43 –     Consciousness of time

44 –     Conscious and humanity

45 –     Phenomenological method

46 –     Human – person

47 –     Freedom- putting out to possibilities

48 –     Absolute being and time

49 –     Perception of during begins in the East

50 –     Degree of freedoms

51 –     Free effort and truth

52 –     Human, superior being over oneself and the world

53 –     The known – object in self

54 –     Being human

55 –     Truth of the known

56 –     Knowing – doing – aim

57 –     Genuine goodness

58 –     Love and beautiful

59 –     Genuine friendship

60 –     Death of a friend

61 –     Purification of interior

62 –     Life and death

63 –     Profound thinking and livingness

64 –     Human and surrounding

65 –     World, self and Allah

66 –     Relationship between absolute being and human

67 –     Freedom and effort

68 –     Conscious and its need

69 –     Individual and others

70 –     Being for oneself

71 –     Consciousness and eternity

72 –     Finiteness and infinity

73 –     Consciousness of actuality and necessity

74 –     Consciousness of absence

75 –     Buddhism and hippieism

76 –     Spirit and science

77 –     Association of contact, association of similarity – memory

78 –     Long effect and proof

79 –     Present moment

80 –     Consciousness of self

81 –     Intentness of will

82 –     Memory

83 –     Time measurements and during

84 –     Truth of surroundings

85 –     Life and aim

86 –     Aim of morals

87 –     Human and thought

88 –     Death

89 –     Heart

90 –     Earning the life

91 –     Earning the freedom

92 –     Genuine happiness

93 –     Life and death

94 –     Suffering and becoming

95 –     Unconsciousness

96 –     Interior living

97 –     Freedom and necessity

98 –     State of reality

99 –     Finding oneself

100 –   Desiring the essence

101 –   What kind of life

102 –   Common symbols

103 –   Sincerity

104 –   Pendulum

105 –   Morality – eternity

106 –   Understanding – doing

107 –   Worship – expression

108 –   Abstraction

109 –   Hidden side of the bad feelings


1 –       Sheet of language

2 –       Human and language

3 –       Universe and language

4 –       Language and time

5 –       Language of public

6 –       Connection between language and meaning

7 –       Language and the known

8 –       Root words

9 –       The matter of language, scholar of language and artist

10 –     Reason and language

11 –     Language arose from the need of interior

12 –     Absence and object

13 –     Attribute and word

14 –     Language and meaning

15 –     Word and work

16 –     Word and civilization

17 –     Effect

18 –     Word and personality

19 –     Pen and language

20 –     Power of word

21 –     Aimed meaning

22 –     Difficulty of explaining

23 –     Word and spirit

24 –     Word and thought

25 –     Architectural consciousness

26 –     Word and heart

27 –     Word and love

28 –     Word and memory

29 –     Language and colors of meanings

30 –     Feeling and language

31 –     Language and era

32 –     Identity and writing

33 –     Eye and language

34 –     Intent and speaking

35 –     Language – reason – understanding

36 –     Language and reason

37 –     Expression and spirit

38 –     Dependence and not dependence of thought on any language

39 –     Manner of expression and contents

40 –     Interaction between language and human

41 –     Language and perception of mystery

42 –     Contribution to language

43 –     Comprehending the world

44 –     Effect of thought

45 –     Language and world

46 –     Language and time

47 –     Root of language

48 –     Language is life

49 –     Living language

50 –     Language and table of world

51 –     Language and civilization

52 –     Activity of language

53 –     Social being

54 –     Human is language

55 –     Language and word

56 –     Conscious and language

57 –     Contents

58 –     Nonmaterial tool

59 –     Language and common symbol

60 –     Being able to be informed

61 –     Language and faith

62 –     Gift by Haqq

63 –     Vitality of language

64 –     Language and imagination

65 –     Family of languages

66 –     Language, subject of amazement

67 –     Scope of language

68 –     Speaking by oneself

69 –     Interior speaking

70 –     Consequence inferred from the comparison of languages

71 –     Spirit and language

72 –     Language – shape – spiritual events

73 –     Speaking and inside

74 –     Occurrence of speaking

75 –     Relationship between linguistics and knowledge of the spirit

76 –     Language and memory

77 –     The matter of association between who is understanding and who is explaining

78 –     Understanding the memory

79 –     Connection between voicing and meaning

80 –     Relation of using true and apt words with naturalness

81 –     Word – object – ability

82 –     Confusing true word with another

83 –     Conscious and meaning – meaning, composition over elements

84 –     Language and form

85 –     Interpretation

86 –     Spirit’s appearance in the language

87 –     Sovereignty of spirit

88 –     Poetry and state

89 –     Poetry and state – thought on art

90 –     Old Istanbul tongue

91 –     Poetry and feeling – instillation

92 –     Word and silence

93 –     Language and truth – truth, mystery

94 –     Poet and genius

95 –     Wish and fakery

96 –     Art of good understanding and listening

97 –     Genialness and eloquence

98 –     Voice and language

99 –     Language and dialectics

100 –   Language and effect of surroundings

101 –   Language and surroundings – looking eye

102 –   Language and writing

103 –   Language and culture

104 –   Sentence and thought


1 –       Poet and artist

2 –       Talent and sensitiveness

3 –       Change of the values

4 –       True and beautiful

5 –       Morality and intentness of fine arts

6 –       Form and beautiful

7 –       Critic’s necessity to have a criterion

8 –       Inductive aesthetics

9 –       Inspiration and logic

10 –     Universal beauty

11 –     Art and human

12 –     Origin of the beauty

13 –     Beautiful and form

14 –     Aesthetics, a side of spiritualism

15 –     Beautiful and truth

16 –     Aesthetics

17 –     Aesthetical norm

18 –     Aesthetics – critique of art and history of art

19 –     Conscious and beautiful

20 –     Understanding beautiful – culture

21 –     On comic

22 –     On comic

23 –     Laughing and sympathy

24 –     Comic and contradiction

25 –     Music and imitation

26 –     What is art?

27 –     Spirit and music

28 –     Music and metaphysics

29 –     Music and will

30 –     Writing principle

31 –     Understanding and personality

32 –     Much word – less word

33 –     Genius

34 –     Poetry and interior world

35 –     Poetry and word

36 –     Poetry and reconditeness

37 –     Poetry

38 –     Principle of poetry

39 –     Poetry – beauty and uprightness

40 –     Poetry and spirit

41 –     Poetry and lifestyle

42 –     Birth of the work

43 –     Meaning and word

44 –     Affection and poetry

45 –     Evaluation in the objective process

46 –     Art and need

47 –     Love and poetry

48 –     Poetry and reader

49 –     Impression and understanding

50 –     Beauty and mystical feeling

51 –     Poetry and mystery

52 –     Artist and work

53 –     Copying in art

54 –     Interior world order

55 –     Beauty and calm

56 –     Critic and criterion

57 –     Critic and novel

58 –     Contents and possibility

59 –     Laughing and crying

60 –     Object, mirror, painting

61 –     Imagination and language

62 –     Allah and novelist

63 –     On novel

64 –     Crisis of novel

65 –     Art and faith

66 –     Fantasy and world of dream

67 –     Don Juan

68 –     Intuition and expression

69 –     Expression and concept

70 –     Cave illustration

71 –     Fault of western aestheticians

72 –     Individual – society – art

73 –     Art and nature

74 –     Aim of the theater

75 –     Human and art

76 –     Art and reality

77 –     Aesthetics and beautiful

78 –     Need of science of art

79 –     Origin of the art

80 –     Conscious and art

81 –     Beauty and truth

82 –     Idea of the beauty

83 –     Duty of critic

84 –     Value of the past in art

85 –     Style and development of art

86 –     Art and power

87 –     Structure of human and poetry

88 –     Expectation from art and literature

89 –     Activity of criticism and contention

90 –     Art and aim

91 –     Art and sincerity in writing

92 –     Instinct of the artist

93 –     Art, lifestyle

94 –     Two talents of the poetry

95 –     Art – calm and worry

96 –     For writing out

97 –     Symbol

98 –     The manner of balance

99 –     A special world


6th TABLET          WISDOM

1 –       Ordeal

2 –       Goodness and greatness

3 –       Genuine shame

4 –       Greed and its evaluation

5 –       Feeling of thank

6 –       Feeling and family

7 –       Aim of human’s existence

8 –       Consciousness of history

9 –       Strange logic

10 –     Meaning of action

11 –     From work to artist

12 –     Life, beauty, art

13 –     Conscience

14 –     Advice and admonition

15 –     Fine wisdom

16 –     Sorrow

17 –     Blessing and expense

18 –     Hope

19 –     Sleep

20 –     Genuine happiness

21 –     Disappointment

22 –     Thinking and speaking

23 –     Ignorance and knowledge

24 –     Oldness and possibility

25 –     Beginning – tension

26 –     Deception

27 –     Mirror

28 –     Book and civilization

29 –     Intelligence and effort

30 –     Thought and saying

31 –     Foolish and thief

32 –     Useful knowledge

33 –     Being able to desire

34 –     Lesson

35 –     Pain and greatness

36 –     The matter of profit

37 –     Criterion of courage

38 –     Prayer

39 –     Loneliness in a crowd

40 –     Satisfying the soul

41 –     Thought on death

42 –     Patience

43 –     Completing

44 –     Pleasure – imagination – ruling by oneself

45 –     Example of offering an alternative to the consciousness

46 –     Prayer, power, education

47 –     Wisdom of tear

48 –     Fear

49 –     Attitude about dead

50 –     Happiness – unhappiness

51 –     Disaster and genius

52 –     Friend

53 –     Injustice and destruction

54 –     Even despising

55 –     Changing into a cure

56 –     Disaster of understanding

57 –     Smelling

58 –     Respectful fear

59 –     Awake heart

60 –     Literary success

61 –     Dazedness

62 –     Going to the core

63 –     Powerful human

64 –     Genuine affection

65 –     Thought – mentioning

66 –     Lust and human

67 –     Alluring part of love

68 –     To remain a trace

69 –     Reading and affection

70 –     Aimlessness

71 –     Pain and greatness

72 –     Desired lifestyle

73 –     Human considered in the life struggle

74 –     Deficiency in our time

75 –     Knowledge of self – ignorance of it

76 –     Body and will

77 –     The only matter

78 –     Evolution theory

79 –     Crime

80 –     Positive

81 –     Addiction

82 –     Guess

83 –     Place of reminding

84 –     Aim and aimless benefit

85 –     Seclusion

86 –     Lost

87 –     Fright and difficulty

88 –     Considerate behavior

89 –     Probability and passion

90 –     Fantasy and success

91 –     Forgetfulness

92 –     Being satisfied

93 –     Form and wish

94 –     Principle and aim

95 –     Trick

96 –     From work to the agent

97 –     Great wisdom

98 –     Fate of hero

99 –     Hand-work and mind

100 –   Love and sharing

101 –   Genuine patience

102 –   Lawful equality and natural inequality

103 –   Morality and belief

104 –   Equality in biology

105 –   Advice and admonition

106 –   Environment of suicide

107 –   Joy and happiness

108 –   Change in principles

109 –   Laughing and crying

110 –   Merit

111 –   True word

112 –   Self-confidence

113 –   Power behind the work power and investment of capital

114 –   Ability to devote oneself

115 –   Superiority of purity

116 –   Crime and environment

117 –   Reaction to crime

118 –   Talents

119 –   First sin

120 –   Success and happiness

121 –   Thing that is angering and offending people

122 –   Simple affection

123 –   Wickedness endured in the memory

124 –   Knowing the fate

125 –   Slave and pride

126 –   One that administrates – one that is administrated

127 –   Feeling of thank

128 –   Service for wickedness

129 –   Escaping horizon

130 –   Thought and silence

131 –   Play of love

132 –   Production and proprietorship

133 –   Secrecy and responsibility

134 –   On friendship

135 –   Talent for goodness and badness

136 –   Fault of doctors

137 –   Root of the thought in Marx

138 –   Critique of Marxism

139 –   Character of human and economic factor

140 –   Lack of good taste

141 –   Life power

142 –   Reason of organism

143 –   Thought and fight

144 –   Life and joy

145 –   Consolation, reason and wisdom

146 –   Morality and habit

147 –   Stinginess and madness

148 –   Possibility and happiness

149 –   Uprightness and benefit

150 –   Need and return

151 –   Soul and body

152 –   Relaxedness of soul and body

153 –   Mistake of normative consciousness

154 –   Pleasure of searching

155 –   Seeing and blindness

156 –   Human approaching to event

157 –   Fate and effort

158 –   Book and friendship

159 –   Read things while childhood

160 –   Rapture and fear

161 –   Genius

162 –   Genius – knack

163 –   The known and wickedness

164 –   Criticism

165 –   Joy and degree of sorrow

166 –   Losing and not being able to win

167 –   State of heedlessness

168 –   Scoundrel

169 –   Coincidence

170 –   Oneself of human

171 –   Considering death

172 –   Where friendship is present

173 –   Complaint of loneliness

174 –   Building oneself

175 –   Love and religion

176 –   Knowing the self

177 –   Wisdom and service

178 –   Thought and power

179 –   Hegel and Freud

180 –   Mystery and economics

181 –   Understanding being with the being that exists

182 –   Economics; science and art

183 –   Research of economics and pleasure

184 –   Hardness and easiness

185 –   Human approaching to event and wealth

186 –   Contrary of unity

187 –   Paradoxical logic

188 –   Necessity in social sciences

189 –   Social sciences and freedom

190 –   Fine perception

191 –   Genius and murder

192 –   Seeing the essence of entire

193 –   Being able to frighten

194 –   Planning and patience


1 –       Authority in the head of state

2 –       Solidarity and interrelation

3 –       Ones that administrate – ones that are administrated

4 –       Truth of democracy

5 –       Extravagance and humanity

6 –       Changing view

7 –       Value of nation

8 –       Useless life

9 –       Good government

10 –     Unknown crime

11 –     Pretending to be a person in the absence

12 –     Aim of education

13 –     Character

14 –     Consciousness of society

15 –     Cultural foundations

16 –     Importance of law

17 –     Morality in democracy

18 –     Advice and behavior

19 –     Concrete example

20 –     Rank and responsibility

21 –     Morality of sexuality

22 –     Power and trusting in opposition

23 –     Factor of human

24 –     Education of a child

25 –     Seeing the true – telling the true

26 –     Image and truth

27 –     Planning all at once

28 –     Solving the social problems

29 –     Reasons for economical problems

30 –     Common goal of state and human

31 –     Searching the interactions

32 –     Human and government

33 –     Eminent moral

34 –     Changeable nation

35 –     Good government

36 –     Difference between theory and practice

37 –     Life is action

38 –     Protecting the good person

39 –     Public and sovereignty

40 –     Law and ethics

41 –     Aim of the division of labor

42 –     Crime and intention

43 –     Protection of individual

44 –     Interest and crisis

45 –     Islam and responsibility of society

46 –     Freedom and democracy

47 –     Recognizing the country and the nation

48 –     Aim of education

49 –     Rank and punishment

50 –     Power, thought, organization

51 –     State and power

52 –     Balance of individual and society

53 –     Social categories evaluating the politics

54 –     Institutions

55 –     Similarity and difference in society

56 –     What is sovereignty

57 –     Sovereignty and power

58 –     Ostentatious person

59 –     Conscientious person

60 –     The matter of quantity and quality

61 –     Spiritual education

62 –     Regime of demagogy

63 –     Interior authority

64 –     Truth of international law

65 –     Determining the friend and the enemy

66 –     Administration and Necessity of absolute thought

67 –     Sake of uprightness and state

68 –     Power of resistance

69 –     Two positions

70 –     Genuine protectors

71 –     Leader and staff

72 –     Aptitude and employment

73 –     Man of thought and state

74 –     Administrators and honesty

75 –     Democracy and tyranny

76 –     Honorable person and forgers

77 –     Diffusion of law over life

78 –     Freedom and personality

79 –     Structure of human and law

80 –     Out of arbitrariness

81 –     Accusation and acquittal

82 –     Criticism

83 –     Corruption starts at the top

84 –     Torture as foolishness

85 –     Crime and punishment ratio

86 –     Administration and politics

87 –     Punishment and justice

88 –     Consequence for punishment

89 –     Punishment and detrimental dissuasion

90 –     Returning of guilty people

91 –     Detriment of individual and society

92 –     Greatness of the state

93 –     Moral order of family and society

94 –     Crime and punishment ratio

95 –     Place of prize

96 –     Rage for the sake of Haqq and the truth

97 –     Spirit at the beginning

98 –     Justice and harmony

99 –     Love of justice

100 –   Unemployment and idleness

101 –   Liberty of divorce

102 –   Meaningless skill

103 –   Crime of not being good

104 –   That required for the power

105 –   Power and knowledge

106 –   Regimes and power

107 –   Natural rights

108 –   Wholeness and details

109 –   System of interaction


1 –       Using the instrument

2 –       Courage

3 –       Truth of individual

4 –       Benefit from the thinker

5 –       Suspicion and leader

6 –       Impossible and possible

7 –       Unconscious rebellion

8 –       Deceptive view

9 –       Player and spectator

10 –     Cheat of nafs

11 –     False consolation

12 –     What to do?

13 –     Today’s situation

14 –     Perception of responsibility

15 –     Psychology of crowd of people

16 –     Understanding the sign

17 –     Genuine fighter

18 –     Imagining and realizing

19 –     That must be paid attention in propaganda

20 –     Ways of escape

21 –     Person of antenna

22 –     Nonfunctional constitution

23 –     Public and forgetfulness

24 –     Subtle wisdom

25 –     Falsity is a detriment

26 –     Conscious of idealist

27 –     Bravery and courage

28 –     Humane truth

29 –     Consciousness of order

30 –     Privilege of intrepidity

31 –     Psychological curtain

32 –     War and politics

33 –     Place of ability

34 –     Life’s having opposite poles

35 –     Program and concession

36 –     Contradiction of Marxist mysticism

37 –     Half work

38 –     Devotement and weakness

39 –     Fitting the man

40 –     Politics that is said

41 –     Unnecessary person

42 –     Maturation of rebellion

43 –     Wickedness of sexuality

44 –     Patience

45 –     To decide

46 –     Reasonable behavior

47 –     Overman

48 –     That friend and enemy teach

49 –     Maturing of opposite

50 –     Thought and action

51 –     War and science

52 –     War, politics, will, propaganda

53 –     Need of bogy

54 –     Escaping from politics

55 –     Recognizing the enemy

56 –     Annihilating thinking

57 –     Psychology of panic

58 –     Indifference of the truth

59 –     Movement and blessing

60 –     Role of avant-gardism

61 –     Intention and act

62 –     Revolution and power

63 –     Thinking thoroughly

64 –     To do

65 –     For morale

66 –     Dignified standing

67 –     Appearance of fault

68 –     Mystery of event

69 –     Fight of thought

70 –     Mass culture

71 –     Importance of conditions

72 –     That’s good – this’s good too

73 –     Unexpected manifestation

74 –     Correctness of analysis and diagnosis

75 –     What is The Speech?

76 –     Psychology of public

77 –     Effect of propaganda

78 –     Fear and real

79 –     Pleasure of difficulty

80 –     Old and new

81 –     Optimism and badness

82 –     Right and duty

83 –     Spirit and element

84 –     Crowd of people and leader

85 –     Core

86 –     Character of organization

87 –     Politics of slavery

88 –     Using opportunities

89 –     Effect of change

90 –     Psychology of crowd of people

91 –     Common link

92 –     Imagination and real

93 –     Going to the end

94 –     Understanding and attack of salvation

95 –     Genuine courage

96 –     Sincerity and success

97 –     Knowing to stop

98 –     Strong policy

99 –     Value of attack

100 –   Consciousness of duty

101 –   Belief and action

102 –   Democracy and worldview

103 –   Aristocracy of thought

104 –   Individual and community

105 –   Necessity of administrative staff

106 –   Delay of reaction

107 –   Herd and crew

108 –   Getting excited

109 –   Teaching and causing to love

110 –   Forgetfulness

111 –   Army and politics

112 –   Fine plan

113 –   Strategy and tactics

114 –   Maturing by time

115 –   Danger and intelligence

116 –   Courage and youth

117 –   Genuine human

118 –   Intrepidity

119 –   Value of consequence

120 –   Necessity of means

121 –   Aim and means

122 –   Thought – structure – politics

123 –   Reforms

124 –   Manifestation

125 –   While opposing

126 –   Objection and proposal

127 –   Occurrence of power

128 –   Intellectuals

129 –   Effect of intellectuals

130 –   Power and vacancy

131 –   Desire of recognizing the opportunities

132 –   Role of staff

133 –   Interaction

134 –   Building during the struggle

135 –   Issue of technique

136 –   Education and practical study

137 –   Thorough thinking

138 –   Being strong

139 –   For avant-gardism

140 –   Genuine action

141 –   Individual courage

142 –   Systems’ coming closer to each other

143 –   Jumping board

144 –   Idealist person

145 –   Aim, stage

146 –   A fact

147 –   To bull-shooter

148 –   Who works earns

149 –   Thoughtful movements

150 –   To catch

151 –   Honor of truth

152 –   Talent and duty

153 –   Duty of showing performance

154 –   Confidence of nafs

155 –   Bigotry

156 –   Technique and morals

157 –   Time of suspicion

158 –   Army – dignity – culture

159 –   Propriety and morality at an officer

160 –   Kind-heartedness of officer

161 –   For dignity and confidence of nafs

162 –   Strength and merits

163 –   Power of heart

164 –   Attention to morality

165 –   Loyalty and thought

166 –   Passive resistance

167 –   Prestige of intellectuals

168 –   Difficulty of newness

169 –   Filter

170 –   Corrupt order

171 –   Truth of surroundings

172 –   Analysis of interaction systems

173 –   Organization and activity

174 –   Morals of idealist


1 –       Resistance against Islam and imitating Islam

2 –       Rise of the West

3 –       Human of today

4 –       Blind freedom

5 –       Same basis

6 –       The Crusades

7 –       Fall of the West

8 –       Diversity in the Middle East

9 –       Success of Israel

10 –     Criticism of Westerner

11 –     Separation of the science from faith, ethics and art

12 –     Matter of esteem

13 –     Exploiting

14 –     Economical york

15 –     Estimations on 20th century

16 –     Distrustfulness

17 –     Historical method and Vico

18 –     14th Louis and Ottoman

19 –     Huns

20 –     Role of Rome in teaching good manners

21 –     Aim, solving

22 –     Islam in Europe

23 –     Roger Bacon and Al-Hazin

24 –     Goethe and Islam

25 –     Torture and scientist

26 –     Matter of the Orient

27 –     Attacking the Ottoman

28 –     Final idea of the great society in the East

29 –     Untethered freedom

30 –     Not being left any holistic view in the West

31 –     German idealism and French Revolution

32 –     Admiration to Islam in the West

33 –     Goethe’s admiration to Rasool Allah

34 –     Completing each other of the East and the West

35 –     Baghdad astronomers in 10th century

36 –     Muslims in medicine of eyes

37 –     The rising sun of Islam over Europe

38 –     Evaluation of poetry in Andalusia

39 –     Character of the Ottoman

40 –     The inside story of Treaty of Paris (1856)

41 –     Power of the Qur’an

42 –     Indian thought and Greek philosophy

43 –     The West and the East

44 –     Buddhism and materialism

45 –     Tired Europe

46 –     Europe and Christianity

47 –     Property of French thinking

48 –     Population and industrialization

49 –     Recognizing the East and the West

50 –     Essence of Ahlul Bayt

51 –     The West in woman and man communication

52 –     Understanding of morality in French

53 –     Gambling in French

54 –     Mysticism and action

55 –     The West in need of heart

56 –     Attitude of scholar and ignorant among Christians and Muslims

57 –     Communism and Western intellectual

58 –     Weakness of Western civilization

59 –     Paradoxical logic

60 –     Collapse of the world’s mistake

61 –     Progress of the west

62 –     Power in 19th and 20th century

63 –     Change in the relationship between the elements of proprietary and power

64 –     Future of NATO and Warsaw Pact

65 –     The United Nations without a system of thought

66 –     Similarities and differences of communist and fascist regimes

67 –     The West’s view at the East

68 –     Attractiveness of French civilization

69 –     Egyptian and French thinking

70 –     The West’s criticism of nafs

71 –     Eastern literature

72 –     Our strength and our weakness

73 –     Source of our collapse

74 –     Chronic disease of the East

75 –     Altered divine religions

76 –     Freedom of the press and investigation of everything

77 –     Disaster told by Nietzsche

78 –     Fighting against nafs in Christianity


Source: www.ibdadoc.cjb.net (2000-2005)


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