The Architect of “The Great East”, Necip Fazil (1904-1983) is the pioneer of Islamic thought and action in Turkey and he is the first man to mention Allah and His Rasool after secular stroke against Islamic state -Ottomans- in the first quarter of last century. Also he is regarded as the great poet -“Sultan of Poets”- in Turkey in all quarters, friend or enemy.
The works of the Architect of “The Great East” constitutes a complete library with his 120 works on thought, art, poetry, criticism, sufism, history, philosophy, ideology, politics and religion.
“Network of Ideology” (İdeolocya Örgüsü) is indicated as the main book of his library by him since the main points of our cause were framed in this book. The book begins with the meaning, proposal and aim of “the Great East”. Secondly criticism on the East and the West is made by discussing the main features of them. Then principal points of the ideology pertaining to the individual and society such as the universe, the world, human, morality, society, state, revolution, politics, justice, proprietorship, army, positive sciences, fine arts and woman affairs are put forward with reference to Islam. In the next chapter, he elaborates the aspects of the expected Islamic revolution in the world scale.
It follows the chapter about our ideal of state and administration: The Council of Supremes, The State of Headsupremacy, Academia of Headsupremacy, Criterion of Laboring in Headsupremacy, Criterion of Punishment in Headsupremacy, Statute, Joy and Breeding, Fornication, Drink, Interest, Cinema, Press, Radio, University, Clothes, Worker, Capital and Employer, Factory etc. Another title in the book is “Main Principles” which are Spiritualism, Quality-ism, Personality, Morality, Nationalism, Precaution in Capital and Proprietorship, Society, Order and Interference.
Subsequently, “Situation and Panorama” and “Our Ordeal and Our Cause” are the last chapters in the book.
“The Great East” is the act of crystallization of the criteria pertaining to all branches of the life, which is worth of living, with reference to Islam. “The Great East” is far from being committed to a particular race or a geography; on the contrary, it is desirous to realize it in the frame of time, not only in space. With the statement of the Architect of “The Great East”:
“The Great East, the adjutant of Islam… The Great East, neither a new madhhab in Islam, nor a new doorway of ijtihad… Yet just a passageway of making way for Islam with its utmost purity and originality within such an absolute and not-haggled frame that is expressed by the phrase “Ahl-i Sunnah w’al-Jamaah.”; and the act of application of this purity and originality, lost for a long time, to things and events in the verge of 21st century… And which is apparently the most valuable and costly one of the works…”